Douleurs de l'accouchement. Arkatov VA 1992

Date: 1992
Auteurs: Arkatov VA, Zverev VV, Volkovinskii KE
Titre: The effect of tramal and acupuncture analgesia on labor pain and the psychoemotional status of the parturient. Anesteziol Reanimatol 1992 Mar;2:31-33 (Russian)
Mots clés: pain, douleur, delivery, labour, childbirth, travail, accouchement, naissance, analgesia, analgésie
Contribution: Article
Abstract: The intensity and structure of pain during delivery as well as changes in psychoemotional status have been studied in 65 women with reference to the use of concomitant correcting therapy during various types of analgesia. 44 women comprised a control group. It has been found that acupunctural analgesia was optimal during delivery without any correcting therapy, while tramal (at a dose of 1.43 +/- 0.06 mg/kg) was optimal during "programmed" delivery.


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